1. Juice from papaya roots is used in some countries of Asia to ease urianry troubles. 2. Papaya leaf when dried and cured like a cigar, is smoked by asthmatic persons . 3. An infusion of fresh papaya leaves is used by person to expel or destroy intestinal worms. 4. Fresh young papaya are also used to remedy colic, a certain stomach disorder or cramp. 5. Ripe papaya fruit is laxative. If you take papaya fruit regularly in your diet , you assured of regular bowel movement which is good essential to daily disposition. 6. The dried seeds when pounded and mixed with vinegar can be used as a skin irritant to lower fever. 7. The milky juice which is tapped from the green, mature fruit while still in the tree, contains an enzyme known as "papain". People use this in the preparation of different remedies for indigestion. 8. A decoction formed by boiling the outer part of the roots of the papaya tree in the cure of dyspepsia.