
Showing posts from 2011

CT Scans best to uncover body packed drugs..

CT SCANS BEST TO UNCOVER BODY PACKED DRUGS…. During 1924, Captain T W Barnard, Director, Erstwhile Institute of Radiology at the General Hospital , Madras has helped the police to locate the gold chain in the stomach of a thief by x-ray techniques. Similar many robbers and smugglers have been caught re handed by this way. Body Packing:         The US customs and Border Patrol (CBP) seize over a million pounds of drugs (mainly marijuana, cocaine, heroin and several other hallucinating drugs) annually. Eighty percent of the smugglers are caught by ‘body packing’ of these illegal narcotics. According to the May 2008 issue of Applied Radiology describes the practice of body packing as the trafficking of illicit drugs within the vagina or the gastrointestinal tract. These body packers are also known as ‘ Swallowers’, ‘Internal Carriers’, ‘Couriers’ or ‘Mules’. The most commonly used term is Mules……….…… Definition of Body packing:    ...

Latest updates of doping tests...............

7 SPORTS STARS WITH HELD According to the latest reports three malayalies among seven athletes are caught by the National anti doping agency.400 meters stars A.Ashwini, Mandeep Kovr, Sini Jose, Tiana Mary Thomas, Priyanka Pawar, Juana Murmu following long jump stars Harikrishnan Muralidheran are with held from games. Among this Harikrishnan is been given a 2 year ban from games as he is been caught for the first time by the authorities, rest of them one year ban. The athletes are repeatedly saying that they have not intentionally taken any of the drugs, it’s been given by the foreign coach Uyuri Ogranodick as per the reports given by the NADA. Coach has given the athletes nutritional supplements; through this the banned drugs have been injected into their body. The athletes urine samples were collected during the games held in Bangalore in June 11 to 14 are found to be positive. The athletes are among those who helped the country in getting gold medal in relay competitions in Asia...


 DIABETES IS SEEN THREE FOURTH OF THE POPULATION... Scientists have made insulin-producing cells from sperm stem cells , a technique that could one day be used to treat type1 diabetic patients. G.Ian Gallicano; Assosciate profeesor at Georgetown University Medical Centre in Washington DC; transformed the precursor (early) for human sperms- SPERMATOGONIAL STEM CELLS(SSC) into beta-islet cells which proc=duce insulin. They extracted human SSCs from the testicles of dead organ donors. These are the pleuripotent stem cells. The researchers showed that these cells contain certain biological  markers indicating they are similiar to beta islet cells. When these were transplanted into dibetic mice (which were engineered to have no immune system) the rodents blood sugar level dropped for a week which shows that the transplanted cells are producing insulin for a week.

Swine flu

Who will win the drug race??????????????

SETBACK FOR MANY ASPIRANTS SPORTSPERSONS…… INTRODUCTION: The issue of using banned drugs in sports is ever increasing day by day. The incidents of adultering drugs within the food supplement by foreign coaches are at an alarming stage. Due to this, the opportunities of many athletes are denied. The sportsperson are unaware about the usage of drugs by them until various doping tests reveal them. The origin of word ‘doping’ has been derived from ‘dope’ an alcoholic drink used as a stimulant, but some say it came from Dutch word ‘doop’ which was mixing tobacco with seeds of Datura stramonium which contains a number of tropane alkaloids causing sedation, confusion and hallucination. The main oxygen carrying red blood cells with a view to enhance athletic performance. Latest doping method is “hypoxia inducible factor pathway’ and taking cobalt chloride Drug abuse in sports: Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) are needed to improve athletic performance. These produce both potentiating a...