CT Scans best to uncover body packed drugs..

CT SCANS BEST TO UNCOVER BODY PACKED DRUGS…. During 1924, Captain T W Barnard, Director, Erstwhile Institute of Radiology at the General Hospital , Madras has helped the police to locate the gold chain in the stomach of a thief by x-ray techniques. Similar many robbers and smugglers have been caught re handed by this way. Body Packing: The US customs and Border Patrol (CBP) seize over a million pounds of drugs (mainly marijuana, cocaine, heroin and several other hallucinating drugs) annually. Eighty percent of the smugglers are caught by ‘body packing’ of these illegal narcotics. According to the May 2008 issue of Applied Radiology describes the practice of body packing as the trafficking of illicit drugs within the vagina or the gastrointestinal tract. These body packers are also known as ‘ Swallowers’, ‘Internal Carriers’, ‘Couriers’ or ‘Mules’. The most commonly used term is Mules……….…… Definition of Body packing: ...